When attempting to escape payday loan debt, take care that you don’t leap out of the frying pan and into the fire. Many payday loan consolidation companies charge fees to take simple actions that you could easily have asked yourself. Others are affiliated with the selfsame payday loan companies that brought you into this fix in the first place.
Do your homework first:
Pay as much as you displace on your debt with the highest interest rate, and make timely minimum payments on the rest. Put as much money as you can afford toward your high-interest loans until they are paid off.
Crunching the numbers:
Always count your total costs yourself, rather than relying on the quoted cost of a lender. There are simply too many dishonest companies in this business to let them do the legwork for you. Don’t trust the loan calculators on their websites, either, until you know exactly what they are factoring in; some of them “estimate” a high interest charge per unit for all your current loans and a low one for your consolidation. Real calculators don’t use ideas or assumptions; for them to know whether and how much you will save, they have to ask for your debt amounts and interest rates. Make sure they add on whatever fees, you’ll be incurring to make the consolidation.
Knowing your own boundaries and asserting them:
The best legitimate payday loan consolidation companies will act to sever your ties with predatory payday lenders, rather than digging you deeper into bed with them (mix euphorically speaking). They will advise you to shut the bank account that payday lenders have been authorized to debit. They will notify your lenders that they are no longer authorized to draw the funds. You can take these next steps yourself. To defend yourself against predatory payday lenders, the foremost step is to withdraw all your money from the bank account you gave them access to and close the account. (Check your state law first; in a few nations, it’s a criminal offense to do this with the intention of evading lenders.) Open a new bank account at a different bank. If it’s also inconvenient to switch banks, get written assurance from your bank that no demands on the old account will be transferred to the new one. If your paycheck is automatically deposited, fill out the paperwork to change your automatic deposit to the new account. When your lenders contact you about failed withdrawals, arrange to make payments by mail with cashier’s checks or money orders. This keeps the loans on your conditions.
Go over their legality:
Particularly if any of your payday loans were obtained from online companies, check whether the lenders you used are licensed to lend money in your state. A sizable number of them are not. This means you can breathe easy that you won’t land in a lawsuit for unpaid loans, and can brush off their empty threats when renegotiating your loans.
Check your contractual obligations:
When you signed your loan agreement, your lender may have included agreements that you will stand by the state where their company is located, but case law has ruled continuously that the laws and regulations of the state where you reside and took out the loan protect you. Look up the laws about payday loans in your land. In sum, doing business as a payday lender is illegal and the loans are uncollectable. In others, there is an interest cap that most payday lenders violate. Refuse to pay for more than the principal amount of the loan in states where the original loan is invalid. If you have already paid interest, count it toward the head teacher and inform your creditors about how much more money they can expect from you, instead of letting them set the terms.
Get all the details:
If you do resort to a consolidation company, invariably ask whether the consolidation company will be paying off your loans right away. Some companies hold your payments in an escrow account for several months first, which is risky and stressful for you. They are attempting to gain leverage with your lenders so that they can settle the loans with a smaller lump sum, but it’s at the risk of your credit and peace of mind.