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The Cost Of Education, A Worthy Investment?

The Cost Of Education, A Worthy Investment? While I’m (obviously) not an attorney and while I don’t have a Juris Doctorate degree either I get to meet a lot (a ton) of lawyers because of job as a clerk for the state. Sometimes it feels like everyone I know is a lawyer. So often I hear about people graduating law school with $100,000 – $150,000 in student loans. Now that is an intense amount of debt, and it makes my $40,000 photo school education feel like a bargain. It’s all...

How to Qualify for a Mortgage

How to Qualify for a Mortgage A down payment and good credit are needed when qualifying for a mortgage. There are lots of misconceptions when it comes to both real estate and finances. Put them together and it’s like trying to understand multivariable calculus. When it comes to qualifying for a mortgage, many are unsure of the process. Demystify the mortgage qualifying process with this guide. In order to buy a house, you need to do two things: you need to make a...

Small Business Management

Small Business Management Have you thought on looking for help in funding minor business loans through the Small Business Management? This’s a government organization, sponsored through the Executive arm of the Federal Government, which means that it’s a reserve to you for all the things that you’re going to need in your business to ensure that it’s up and running. The SBA, as it is usually called, is an attendant that helps to fund new businesses. The ploys...

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