Is it essential for you now to borrow some money?. You can obviously borrow money from your friends and family members, or make use of your credit card. But if you want to keep your loved ones free from these problems and maintain lower rates of interest, then you can surely opt for a personal loan. Securing personal loans through banks and other financial organisations has become a source of funds for maximum borrowers nowadays. Low funds and huge expenses have forced people to secure personal loans.
There are two types of loans that are offered to consumers namely secured and unsecured loans. A secured loan refers to a loan in which some form of collateral is needed from the borrower. For instance, it can be your home or your car. Whereas there is no need of any type of collateral in an unsecured loan does not require any type of collateral and so there are risk factors for the lender. But it is very difficult to gain the trust of a loan provider. Now lets discuss about the reason behind the popularity of unsecured personal loans.
The advantages of securing unsecured personal loans are:-
1.The main pros of unsecured loans is that anyone can borrow money very easily; whether it is a homeowner or a tenant, without any collateral.
2.For people who own their house and does not want to risk it, an unsecured loan is the best option as it poses less risk to your home or any other assets.
3.Unsecured loans generally come in small amounts, and there is no requirement of any collateral. So the procedure of loan completion is quicker than on secured loans. In certain cases the borrower can even receive the money on the day of approval itself.
4.Unsecured loans are the best choice for consumers who want to borrow a small amount.
5.The application process is very simple. The decision on an unsecured personal loan depends largely on a person is credit score and credit record. Of course, a person must have a steady source of sufficient income, as well, to get an unsecured personal loan.
6.Another advantage of unsecured personal loan is that it gets approved quickly.
Well, apart from the advantages of securing an unsecured personal loan, there are other disadvantages too. The disadvantages of securing an unsecured personal loan are as follows:-
1.The repayment period is shorter than that of a secured loan which leads to higher payment amounts.
2.As no collateral is required, lenders charge higher interest rates for unsecured loans.
3.Qualifying for an unsecured loan is generally more difficult.
An unsecured loan has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Unsecured personal loans are easy to use if you make your payments on time. Failing to do so, you have risk of getting trapped. But if you possess a good credit rating and require a small amount of loan, in that case an unsecured personal loan is the best option for you.